
Profile of Professor Chih-Chun Kung

Date:2021-03-25  Click:

Name: Chih-Chun Kung

Title: Professor

Office Phone:

Email: cckung78@hotmail.com

1. Introduction

Basic Information:

Chih-Chun Kung, male, born in October 1978 and is a native of Taichung, Taiwan. He earned a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University and is currently a professor and doctoral tutor at the School of Economics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE). 

Research Directions: Development and Evaluation of Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Water Resource Economics, Climate Change, Mathematical Programming Model

Work Experience:

2019.1-Present,    Professor, School of Economics, JUFE

2016.1-2018.12,   Professor, Institute of Ecological Economics, JUFE

2011.1-2015.12,   Lecturer, Institute of Ecological Economics, JUFE

2018.1-2018.12, Visiting ScholarDepartment of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University  

2005.8-2010.12, Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University  


2. Teaching Experience

Courses Taught:

Doctoral Students: Topics on Environmental and Resource EconomicsWater Resource EconomicsAdvanced Environmental EconomicsClimate Change EconomicsIntroduction to English Academic Writing 

Postgraduate: Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource ManagementResource Economics

Undergraduate: Financial ManagementFinancial Statement Analysis


Distinguished Young Scholar of Jiangxi Province

Young Jinggang Scholar of Jiangxi Province

Excellent Young Scholar of JUFE

Top Ten Excellent Researchers of JUFE


3. Research Achievements

Projects Hosted:

2019  Sponsored by the Education Department of Jiangxi Province, Conjunctive Application of Renewable Energy Technologies (Grant #:TBA) 

2018  Sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China, Policy Impacts on Bioenergy Development (Grant # 41861042)

2017  Sponsored by Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Excellent Young Research Project

2017  Sponsored by the Education Department of Jiangxi Province, Potential Impacts of Crop Land Shifts in Jiangxi (Grant # GJJ160437)  

2017 Sponsored by the Science and TechnologyDepartment of Jiangxi Province, Distinguished Young Scholar Program (Grant # 20171BCB23047)

 2017  Sponsored by the Education Department of Jiangxi Province, Sustainable Development in Agriculture (Grant # JC17205)

2015  Sponsored by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Crop Yield Changes under Climate Change (Grant # 2015T80685)

2014  Sponsored by the Fund of JUFE, Bioenergy Potential of Agricultural Wastes (Grant # 600447)

2013  Sponsored by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Investigation of Pyrolysis and Biochar Application in Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone I (Grant # 2013M531552)

2013  Sponsored by Jiangxi Postdoctoral Foundation of China, Investigation of Pyrolysis and Biochar Application in Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone II (Grant # 2013KY56)

2012  Sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Economic and Environmental Analysis of Bioenergy Development in Jiangxi Province (Grant # 41161087)

2012 Sponsored by the Education Department of Jiangxi Province, Resource Allocation in Agricultural Sector in Jiangxi (Grant # JJ1208)

Publications (Solo/First Author/Corresponding Author):

AESI Highly Cited (1%)SSCI(Q1)SCI(CAS-Q1), CAS Top Journals

1. Kung CC*, McCarl BA. 2020. Conjunctive Applications of Renewable Electricity Generation to Improve Taiwanese Energy Security. Energy Policy111227. 

2. Wu T, Kung CC*. 2020. Carbon Emissions, Technology Upgradation and Financing Risk of the Green Supply Chain Competition. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 152 :119884.

3. Kung CC, Mu EJ*. 2019. Prospect of Pyrolysis and Biochar Application under Climate Change. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,114:109343. 

4. Kung CC, Cao X, Choi Y*, Kung SS. 2019. Agro-economic Effects under Uncertain Climate Impacts: A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change,148:119711.

5. Kung CC. 2019. A Stochastic Evaluation of Economic and Environmental Effects on Taiwan’s Biofuel Development under Climate Change. Energy, 167:1051-1064. 

6. Kung CC, Zhang, N*, Choi Y, Xiong K., Yu, J. 2019. Effectiveness of Crop Residuals in Ethanol and Pyrolysis-Based Electricity Production: A Stochastic Analysis under Uncertain Climate Impacts. Energy Policy, 125: 267-276.

7. Kung CC, Li H, Lin R. 2018. Bioenergy Strategies under Climate Change: A Stochastic Programming Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188: 290-303.

8. Kung CC, Zhang L, Chang MS. 2017. Promotion Policies for Renewable Energy and Their Effects in Taiwan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142(20): 965-975. 

9. Kung CC, Zhang L, Kong F. 2016. How Government Subsidy Leads to Sustainable Bioenergy Development: A case study in Jiangxi, ChinaTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 112: 275-284.

10. Kung CC, Zhang N. 2015. Renewable energy from pyrolysis using crops and agricultural residuals: An economic and environmental evaluation, Energy, 90: 1532-1544.

11. Zhang N, Zhou P, Kung CC.* 2015. Total factor Carbon Emissions Performance of the Chinese transportation Industry: A Bootstrapped Non-Radial Malmquist Index Analysis, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 41: 584-593. 

12.Kung CC*, McCarl BA, Cao XY. 2013. Economics of Pyrolysis based Energy Production and Biochar Utilization_ A Case Study in Taiwan, Energy Policy, 60(9): 317-323.


12. Kung CC, Wu T*. A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of Using Agricultural Resources to Produce Biofuel. Agricultural Economics-Czech(In Press)

13. Kung SS, Zhang L, Gong X, Kung CC*. 2019. A Sector-wide Economic and Environmental Analysis on Bioenergy Production and Emission Consequences. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 37(4): 1408-1425. 

14. Kung CC, Chen LJ, Lee TJ*, Jiang X, Lin R. 2019. Wind Power Potential for Energy Sustainability and Climate Change Mitigation: A Case Study in Taiwan. Energy & Environment, 30(2): 304-321. 

15. Kung, CC.2018. A Dynamic Framework of Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Bioenergy. Agricultural Economics-Czech, 64(10): 445-455. 

16. Chang MS, Kung CC*. 2018. The Greenhouse Gas Impact of Bioenergy in Developing Economies: Evidence from Taiwan. Energy & Environment, 29(3): 315-332. 

17. Kung CC*, McCarl BA. 2018. Sustainability Energy Development under Climate Change. Sustainability, 10: 3269. 

18. Cao X, Kung CC*, Wang Y. 2017. An Environmental and Economic Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration from Pyrolysis and Biochar Application in China. Agricultural Economics- Czech, 63, (12): 569–578. 

19. Chang MS, Wang W, Kung CC*. 2015. Economic Effects of Biochar Application on Rice Supply in Taiwan, Agricultural Economics-Czech, 61(6): 284-295.

20. Kung CC, Chang MS*. 2015. Effect of Agricultural Feedstock to Energy Conversion Rate on Bioenergy and GHG Emissions, Sustainability, 7: 5981-5995. 

21. Lee TJ, Tseng SS, Kung CC.* 2015. Factors Influencing the Performance of Human Computation: an empirical study in Web Application,Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 31: 641-658. 

22. Kung CC*, McCarl BA, Chen CC, Cao XY. 2014. Environmental Impact and Bioenergy Production from Pyrolysis in Taiwan, Energy & Environment, 25(1): 13-39. 

23. KungCC*, McCarl BA, Chen CC. 2014. An Environmental and Economic Evaluation of Pyrolysis for Energy Generation in Taiwan with Endogenous Land Greenhouse Gases Emissions, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11: 2973-2991

24. Kung CC, Xie HL, Wu T*, Chen SC. 2014. Biofuel for Energy Security: An Examination on Pyrolysis Systems with Emissions from Fertilizer and Land-Use Change, Sustainability, 2: 571-588 

25. Chang MS, Kung CC.* 2014. Nonparametric Forecasting for Biochar Utilization in Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone in China, Sustainability, 1: 267-282 

26. Kung CC*, McCarl BA, Cao XY, Xie HL. 2013.Bioenergy Prospects in Taiwan Using Set-Aside Land--An Economic Evaluation, China Agricultural Economic Review, 5(4): 489-511 

C】 SCI Index

27. Gong X, Zhang L, Kung CC*. Potential Economic and Environmental Impacts among Competitive Pyrolysis and Gasification Technologies. Energy Exploration & Exploitation (forthcoming)

28. Zhang L, Hu Y, Cai L, Kung CC *. A Review of Economic and Environmental Consequences from Waste-based Power Generation: Evidence from Taiwan.Energy Exploration & Exploitation (forthcoming)

29. Chen L, Zhang L., Kung CC*. An economic analysis on Taiwanese wind power and regional development. Energy Exploration & Exploitation (forthcoming)

30. Kung CC, Kong F*, Choi Y. 2015. Pyrolysis and Biochar Potential Using Crop Residues and Agricultural Wastes in China, Ecological Indicators,51: 139-145. 


Intermediate Microeconomics: Intuitive Thinking and Mathematical Methods, Translated Work(Writer Thomas J. Nechyba). Renmin University of China Press, 2017