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The 2nd Ganjiang International Accounting Forum Held at JUFE

Date:2023-12-08  Click:

​On November 18th, the Second Ganjiang International Accounting Forum, organized by JUFE and hosted by Accounting Research and Development Center, was held at JUFE. The forum invited three globally renowned accounting scholars to give keynote speeches and specially invited 11 outstanding young scholars from domestic and international academia, who have published papers in top international journals and are active in the forefront of international academic research, to present and discuss papers.


More than 80 scholars from over 40 domestic and international universities attended the grand event, including the University of Maryland in the US, McMaster University in Canada, Singapore Management University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zhejiang University, and Nanjing University, as well as several government and industry experts. Additionally, faculty and students from Jiangxi Normal University, Jiangxi Agricultural University, East China Jiaotong University, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, East China University of Technology, Jiujiang University, and Gannan Normal University, among other provincial sister universities, also participated in the conference. Professor Deng Hui, the President of JUFE, and Professor Liu Xiaoli, the Vice President, were present at the meeting. The conference was well-attended, with a total of over 350 participants, and featured 3 keynote speeches, 11 parallel sub-forums, and academic activities such as journal exchanges.


Opening Ceremony

President Deng Hui extended a warm welcome and heartfelt gratitude to all the experts and scholars attending the conference, introducing the 100-year history of JUFE, as well as the development of the Accounting Research and Development Center and the School of Accountancy. He expressed his belief that, with the collective efforts of the experts present, the conference would contribute to JUFE's transformation into a research-oriented and digital finance university, and Accounting Research and Development Center would become a high-end academic platform in the central region of China.


Mr. Zhang Kun, the General Manager of Beijing Yanxing International Education and one of the co-organizers, called for the integration of financial and economic theory and practice, and the improvement of the quality of financial and economic professional student training in his address, and wished the conference a smooth and successful opening. The opening ceremony was chaired by Professor Liu Qiliang, the Director of Accounting Research and Development Center.


Keynote Speeches

The keynote speeches were divided into three sessions, chaired by Associate Professor Shen Rui, Professor Luo Danglun, and Professor Qi Baolei, respectively.


Professor Qiu Jiaping from McMaster University in Canada delivered a fascinating presentation titled Wage Rigidity and Debt Financing: Evidence from Labor Contract Renewal During the Financial Crisis.


Professor Rebecca Hann from the University of Maryland in the United States gave a special report entitled Accounting Research: A Human Capital Perspective.


Professor Zhang Liandong from Singapore Management University shared the latest research findings on Do Commercial Ties Influence ESG Ratings? Evidence from Moody's and S&P.


Parallel Sub-forums

The conference featured 11 parallel forums on topics including digital transformation, ESG, corporate social responsibility, environmental regulation, tax regulation, earnings manipulation, high-quality corporate development, and audit behavior. From nearly a hundred submitted papers, 44 were selected for presentation and discussion in the parallel forums, where expert commentators and authors engaged in lively discussions on key academic issues and hot topics.


Closing Ceremony

During the event, Associate Professor Dai Jing from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and other invited guest scholars shared their innovative and high-level research achievements.


The journal exchange forum was hosted by Professor Guan Kaolei, the Vice Dean of the School of Accountancy. Professor Cheng Xinsheng, the editor-in-chief of Nankai Management Review, participated in the online conference and shared his experiences from an editorial perspective on how to assess the quality of research and the basic principles of paper writing.


Assistant Professor Zhang Xinyi, the editor of the China Journal of Accounting Research, provided a detailed introduction to the journal's paper acceptance and publication status, leading to active discussions among the attending scholars.


Professor Liu Xiaoli, the Vice President of JUFE, delivered the closing speech for the conference. She summarized the characteristics of the forum in six words: authoritative scholars, heavyweight guests, and innovative achievements, sharing China's accounting and financial management practices with international peers. She expressed gratitude to domestic and international experts and scholars for their participation, as well as to the conference organizers for their hard work, and expressed anticipation for the next Ganjiang International Accounting Forum.


As one of the series of conferences celebrating the 100th anniversary of JUFE, the second Ganjiang International Accounting Forum injected international elements into the JUFE's centennial celebrations. Scholars from both domestic and international institutions shared numerous cutting-edge research advancements in the fields of accounting, auditing, and finance, providing a platform for in-depth exchanges and collaborations between JUFE faculty and students, institutions in Jiangxi province, and outstanding scholars from both domestic and international arenas.