
Profile of Professor Wan Jianxiang

Date:2020-07-18  Click:

    ​Name:Wan Jianxiang

    ​Title: Professor

    ​Office Phone: 0791-83983860

    ​Email: zhwjx2002@163.com

1. Introduction

Basic Information:

Wan Jianxiang, female, is a professor, doctoral supervisor, and the deputy dean of the School of Information Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. She is also a “Jinggang Distinguished Professor” in Jiangxi province and a young academic leader of the “Hundred Talents Program” of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. She has presided over two projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and one sub-project of the National Social Science Foundation of China. In addition, she has published more than 30 papers in authoritative journals, including Economic Research, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice, Economic Management, and so on.

Research Directions: Econometrics, Economic Model Analysis

Work Experience:

Visiting Scholar, University of California

Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Mathematics and Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professor, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics


2. Teaching Experience

Courses Taught:


Economic Mathematical Model and Simulation

Excellent Courses:

Econometrics: Jiangxi Excellent Open Online Course and Jiangxi Education Sharing Course

Chinese College MOOC: https://www.icourse163.org/course/JXUFE-1003331001


Gold Medal Teacher, JUFE 

Top Ten Excellent Researchers, JUFE


3. Research Achievements

Projects Hosted:

1. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Path Selection and Countermeasures for Win-win Development of Economy and Environment from the Perspective of Social Capital-A Case Study of Jiangxi Eco-civilization Pilot Demonstration Zone (No.71540025), Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, December 2015-March 2017.

2. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Path Selection for Win-win Development of Economy and Environment from the Perspective of Social Capital (No.2013M541066), Project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, December 2013-December 2015.

3. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Spatial Effect of Social Capital Promoting Economic Growth under the Constraints of Resources and Environment (No. GJJ160421), Science and Technology Research Key Project of the Education Department of Jiangxi Province, October 2016-December 2019.

4. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Impact Mechanism of Sustainable Economic Development from the Perspective of Social Capital-A Case Study of Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone (No.14YJ01), Key Project of Social Science Planning in Jiangxi Province, January 2015-December 2018.

5. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Transmission Mechanism of Environmental Policy Promoting Regional Economic Development-Environmental Policy Simulation of Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone (No. 71063006), Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, January 2011-December 2014.

6. Jianxiang Wan, Research on Environmental Policy Options for Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization (No. 2012GXS4D089), National Soft Science Planning Project, January 2013-December 2014.

Projects Participated:

1. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Influence Mechanism of Social Capital on Inclusive Growth-Based on Hamilton Model and Spatial Econometric Analysis (No.71770473), Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. January 2018-December 2021.

2. Jianxiang Wan, Research on Industrial Correlation Effect and Development Policy Selection of Cultural and Creative Industries-Based on Complex Network Theory (No. 71563021), Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, January 2016-March 2020.

3. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Path Selection and Countermeasures for Win-win Development of Economy and Environment from the Perspective of Social Capital-Taking Jiangxi Eco-civilization Pilot Demonstration Zone as an Example, General Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20171BAA208019) and Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, July 2017-December 2020.


1. Jianxiang Wan, Shanshan Wang. Can Social Capital Promote the Growth of China's Total Environmental Factors?[J]. Management Review, 2019.12.

2. Jianxiang Wan, Yiting Zhong. The Impact of Social Capital on Enterprise Performance-A Study Based on the Stage of China's Economic Transition[J]. Management Review, 2018.1.

3. Jianxiang Wan, Shouyang Wang. Can Social Capital and Technological Innovation Break the “Resource Curse”? -Research Based on Panel Threshold Effect[J]. Economic Research, 2016, 12.

4. Jianxiang Wan, Guoping Mei, Social Capital, Technological Innovation and Resource Curse[J]. Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice, 2016.10.

5. Jianxiang Wan, Haiyan Wan, Can Social Capital Drive Economic Growth and Environmental Protection? -Evidence from China. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, June 2016 (SCI Q3).

6. Jianxiang Wan, Analysis on the Impact of Fiscal Expenditure on Economic Growth, Resource Consumption and Environmental Protection[J]. Public Finance Research, 2015.3

7. Jianxiang Wan, Research on the Transmission Mechanism of Environmental Policy Promoting Economic Development-Environmental Policy Simulation of Poyang Lake Ecological Area[M]. Jiangxi Social Science Academic Press, January 2015

8. Jianxiang Wan, Can Environmental Policy Mean Economic Growth Policy-Based on the Abatement of Labor Endogenous Allocation, ISTC. 2014.12 EI.

Books Published: 

1Calculus I (chief editor), Science Press

2Econometrics (co-editor), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, Fudan University Press and Nanjing University Press