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Lecture trailer: Gady can also talk about how to publish in ssci journals

Date:2024-03-18  Click:

Lecturer: Gady Jacoby, BMO professor of finance, asper school of business, university of Manitoba.Professor Gady Jacoby returned to the Asper School of Business and the University of Manitoba in July of 2023 after serving as Dean of the School of Economics at the College of Management Academic Studies in Israel (October 2021 to June 2023).


He is an alumnus of the Hebrew University (Bachelor of Economics and Accounting and Master in Finance) and the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto (PhD). Professor Jacoby led the Asper School of Business for over four years; first as Interim Dean (July 2017 to March 2018) and then as Dean (April 2018 to October 2021). Before his appointment as Interim Dean, Professor Jacoby served as Asper’s Associate Dean Research and Graduate Programs (January 2017 to June 2017).


Professor Jacoby's research focuses on asset pricing, behavioral finance, sustainable finance, and international finance. His research has been published in several quality journals and has been funded five times (as a principal investigator) by the prestigious and highly selective Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada granting agency.


He has also held one professorship and two chairs: the Stu Clark Professorship in Financial Management (2007-2009), the Bryce Douglas Chair in Finance (2013-2018), and the CPA Manitoba Chair in Business Leadership (2018-2021). His work is frequently cited in the field of Financial Economics.


Time: 1:30pm-5pm, 18th March,2024


Venue: Yinglu 119,Mailu Campus

Organizer: School of Accountancy

All students and teachers are welcome.