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JUFE Holds the 2nd“Fishing Festival”

Date:2024-01-09  Click:

On January 3, JUFE's second Yule Jiaohu Fishing Festival was successfully held. Lu Fucai, chairman of the JUFE, President Deng Hui, Vice President Liu Xiaoli, Que Shandong and Yuan Xiong attended the event. Leaders of some Schools, alumni representatives, and Chinese and foreign student volunteer representatives participated in the activity.


Lu Fucai announced the official start of JUFE's second Fishing Festival.


Deng Hui gave Fish King of Jiaohu Lake to the canteen of JUFE.

On behalf of the JUFE, Vice President Yuan Xiong expressed his gratitude to every teacher, student and staff who protected Jiaohu Lake. He pointed out that Jiaohu Lake is one of the top ten famous lakes in Chinese universities and the core landscape of JUFE. The holding of the Fishing Festival confirms the JUFE's concept of educating people, which is “to teach someone how to fish is better than to just give him a fish”. The joint participation of teachers and students in activities is not only conducive to the establishment of ecological protection awareness, but also motivate students to participate in the whole process of labor, strengthen their labor education, and enhance the awareness of creating a better life with their own hard work.


Net fishing trawling! With the applause of teachers and students, the fishing work officially began in the witness of teachers and students on the spot. The professional fishing team went into the water to cast a net and fished with student volunteers.


“According to the current fishing situation, it is estimated that about 5,000 catties of fish can be caught during this fishing festival. In order to ensure the food safety of the fish, the staff carried out professional testing of the water and fish in Jiaohu Lake in advance, and the fish test results were higher than the edible standard of fish. All the fish caught this time will be sent to canteen. After processing, it will be free for all teachers, students and alumni to share the achievements of Jiaohu Lake construction.” Xiao Jianwen, director of the Logistics and Asset Management Department, said.


“I am very happy to participate in this fishing festival as a volunteer. Every time I send the fish I caught by myself to the shore, I feel a sense of accomplishment.” Huang Yujie, Class 1, Economic Statistics, a fishing volunteer in 2023, shared. In order to let teachers and students witness the results of the protection of Jiaohu Lake together, the school solicited fishing volunteers from all teachers and students, and teachers and students actively signed up.


It is reported that the “Fishing Festival” was broadcast live on Jiangxi Satellite TV's “Second Urban Live” APP and official Weibo, with a total number of 2.723 million viewers.

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