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Lecture Trailer:The Series of Centennial JUFE Academic Lectures —— Air Pollution, Executive Response and Corporate Investment

Date:2023-05-18  Click:

Lecturer:Second-level professor Zhu Shujin, Secretary of the Party Committeeof School of Economics &Trade, Hunan University;“Furong Scholarspecial professor of Hunan province.


His research interests include international trade and economic growth, technological innovation and industrial development, global value chains and carbon emission reduction. He once engaged in postdoctoral research at Institue of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(IWEP), he studied at University of Oxford, Boston College, Aarhus University in Denmark, etc.


He has published 6 Monographs in People's Publishing House,Science Press,social sciences academic press(CHINA), Economics Science Press and the Shanghai Sanlian Publishing House,he has also published more than 100 papers in World Development, China Economic Review, Management World, Management World ,Journal of Financial Research ,China industrial economy, People's daily (theoretical edition) and other domestic and foreign academic journals and media.


Time:8:30am- 12:30pm,18th,May,2023

Venue: Room 3111,School of International Trade and Economics

Organizer:School of International Trade and Economics

All students and teachers are welcome