
Profile of Professor Chen Yunsheng

Date:2020-07-18  Click:

    ​Name: Chen Yunsheng

    ​Title: Professor

    ​Office Phone: 83823029

    ​Email: Yunshengchen@163.com

1. Introduction

Basic Information:

Chen Yunsheng, male, obtained a PhD in  Law at Zhejiang University and now works as a professor and master supervisor in the School of Law, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.

Research Directions: Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence (Methodology of Jurisprudence)

Work Experience:

2003-Present  Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE)


2. Teaching Experience

Courses Taught:

Constitutional Law

A General Introduction to Jurisprudence


Young and Middle-aged Backbone Teacher of Jiangxi Province


3. Research Achievements 

Projects Hosted:

1. Project of the National Social Science Foundation “The Application Methods for Conflict of Laws

2. Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education “Research on the Legislative Review System of the Standing Committee of Local People’s Congress”

3. Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education “Research on the Type and Systematization of the Cases in Incidental Review of Regulatory Documents”


1Methods and Approaches to the Resolution of Legal Conflicts, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2017.

2Methodology of Legal Conflict Resolution, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2017.

3Study on the Legislative Review System of the Standing Committee of Local People’s Congress, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2013.

4The Validity of Constitutional Judgment, Law Press, 2010.


1. On the Validity of the Unconstitutional Law, Chinese Journal of Law, No. 5, 37-48(2007).

2. On the Validity of Constitutional Interpretation, Zhejiang Social Sciences, No. 9, 37-42(2008).

3. The Threshold Requirements for Incidental Review of Regulatory Documents-Based on the Empirical Research of 1738 Judgment Documents, Jurisprudence, No. 11, 165-180(2019).

Books Published:

A General Introduction to Jurisprudence, Fudan University Press, 2007.